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Research Supports Compassionate New Biopsy Approach For Women's Health In Cervical Cancer Prevention

Research Supports Compassionate New Biopsy Approach
For Women's Health In Cervical Cancer Prevention

(3) Mogolia; Gynecologic Research Foundation, USA 2020  - A study conducted in concert with this not for profit organization and the National Cancer Institute evaluated a rapid, high volume system to screen, biopsy, triage and when indicated, treat women at risk of harboring high grade cervical cancer precursors.  A bedside rapid colposcopic imaging system and Histologics' SoftBiopsy® device was used to diagnose women at risk who underwent treatment.
(2) Orange County and Inland Empire, CA 2012 - A randomized clinical trial comparing conventional sharp forceps ectocervical biopsy and endocervical curettage devices was compared with a novel "fabric-based" single-use disposable sterile device regarding the patient care experience of women undergoing either type of biopsy, and the apparent bleeding that resulted from ectocervical biopsy.  The research showed the fabric-based "Kylon®" hooked fabric provided a more gentle approach without compromising on the diagnostic quality of the specimens.
(1) Anaheim, CA 2014 - A new study compares new, safe, single-use disposable biopsy curettes tipped with a medical fabric (Kylon®) with the pre-existing reusable metal sharp curettes.  Dr. Justin Diedrich at UC Riverside School of Medicine and co- investigators Drs. Sumra Rathore and Joel Bentz, leading pathologists from Aurora Diagnostics, Palm Beach, Florida, have published a large study regarding over 10,000 colposcopy work-ups after abnormal Pap Smears and Human Papillomavirus testing in the July e-issue of the Journal of Lower Genital Tract Disease. Dr. Diedrich stated  Our study proved the new brushes are superior in tissue yield with which the colposcopists discovered disease that the older devices missed.